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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

H2020 Twinning Open Data Operational – Online course on the use and research of open data

Under the H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 funding program by the European Commission, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is one of the partners in the Twinning Open Data Operational project (https://todo-project.eu). One of the results of the project is a free online course on the usage and research of open data. The application is available due May 22, 2020, through the link http://science.geof.unizg.hr/todo-platform/

You can register for the free online course via the link http://science.geof.unizg.hr/todo-platform/ until May 22, 2020. You can get additional information about the course on the previous link, and the course itself consists of three main modules:

  • Module 1 – General information about open data
  • Module 2 – Open data research
  • Modul 3 – Open data in the Republic of Croatia.

It is possible to take separate modules, and for each completed module, participants will receive a certificate of passing the module. For all other information, you can contact the project manager by the Faculty Asst. Prof. Miroslav Vujic, (mvujic.fpz.unizg.hr), or via social networks https://www.facebook.com/TwinningOpenDataOperational/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/todo-euproject/

Updated: May 19, 2020 — 12:55
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.