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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

STEM skills workshop held at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

The Department for Intelligent Transport Systems supported Student Union of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences during the STEM skills workshop “Croduino for you? “. The workshop was held on November 27, 2020. in the premises of the Faculty in compliance with all epidemiological measures. At the workshop, students, through practical examples, gained insight into the way smart devices that surround them in their daily lives work. Through working on practical examples with the Arduino platform, students were introduced to basic electronic components, the operation of an electric motor, as well as sensors for measuring temperature, humidity and distance.

The workshop was supported by the company TAVU d.o.o. (e-workshop) with prizes for the best competitors and the association EYE Croatia with support in the form of promotion and professional counseling.

Implementation costs workshops are fully covered by the money obtained in the competition of Student Center of the University of Zagreb within the Public Call for Applications for Funding for Cultural, sports, scientific and educational activities carried out exclusively students and student organizations in 2020.

Organizational committee: Leo Tišljarić, Dominik Cvetek, Tomislav Starčević, Željko Majstorović, Kristijan Jurić

Updated: December 1, 2020 — 09:44
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.