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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

A member of the department of ITS successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis

On 4th October 2021, a member of the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tomislav Erdelić, successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis titled “Solving the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem Using a Hybrid Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Method“ under the mentorship of prof. Tonči Carić, Ph.D., in front of the following committee:

  • Professor Edouard Ivanjko, Ph.D. (committee chair), Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
  • Professor Domagoj Jakobović (external member), Ph.D., Faculty of Computing and Electric Engineering, University of Zagreb
  • Professor Tonči Carić, Ph.D., Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
  • Assistant Professor Luka Novačko, Ph.D. (replacement),  Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

The defense itself was held in hybrid mode, where the committee members were present in person, while the rest of the participants joined online through the Microsoft Teams meeting. Committee members proposed a summa cum laude grade.

The link to the doctoral thesis is available here, while the link to the final presentation is available here.

Updated: October 7, 2021 — 12:05
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.