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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

asst. prof. Krešimir Vidović, Ph.D.

E-mail: kvidovic@fpz.unizg.hr

Employed: 2019. (assistant professor)


Krešimir Vidović is an Associate Professor at the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FTTS) of the University of Zagreb and a Senior Solution Architect for Intelligent Transport Systems at Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. (ENT).

He earned his master’s degree in Transportation Engineering (2006) at FTTS as well as presented his doctoral dissertation titled Urban Mobility Assessment Model Based on Records of User Activities in Public Mobile Communication Networks (2018).

As a student, he was awarded the Rector’s Award for the paper “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of Mobile Phone Operators in the Republic of Croatia.”​​​​ From 2003 to 2006, he was the editor-in-chief of PROM, a student magazine of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, and the Head of International Cooperation for Students.

After graduation he worked at the Institute of Transport and Communications in Zagreb until 2010, where he was involved in strategic traffic planning through studies and projects, implementation and development of GIS and ITS systems, and the study of the usage of mobile positioning system, satellite radio navigation (GNSS) and photo-sensors for traffic research and application in traffic engineering.

Since 2010 he has been working as a Senior Domain Expert for the field of intelligent transport systems in ENT. He is responsible for the design and application of novel solutions in the domain of intelligent transport systems for worldwide application. He is a CSR (Customer Solution Responsible, i.e. person responsible for the technical solution) for numerous intelligent transport systems projects that included consultancy, design and implementation. His particular interest lies in projects involving the application and analysis of big data sets and their application in intelligent transport systems.

At Ericsson group level, he is a member of the global expert team for intelligent transport systems. In cooperation with academic institutions, he participates as a mentor in the Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp projects.

He works part-time at the Department of Intelligent Transportation System at FTTS as Associate Professor. He was responsible for the establishment of the joint ENT and FTTS Laboratory for Data Science in Transport and Logistics. He teaches master’s courses (Intelligent Transport Systems I & II, Data Mining) and PhD courses (Urban mobility and Big Data Sets in Transport).

He has been member of the Scientific Council for Transport of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2017. He has been a member of the Management Board of the expert association ITS Croatia and a member of the Technical Committee HZN/TO 524 (Road transport and traffic telematics) of the Croatian Institute for Standards since 2022.

A narrower field of his research interest includes intelligent transport systems, the application of data science and the application of modern communication technologies in traffic and transport. He is the author of a number of scientific papers published in journals and presented at conferences; moreover, he actively participates in programs for the popularization of science.

He is married and a father of three. His main hobby is ultra running.

He is registered in the Register of Researchers at the Ministry of Science and Education under registration number 378026.

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.