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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Project for the establishment of the National Access Point for multimodal traffic information and the development of a journey planner within the multimodal information services in traffic

Croatian Roads d.o.o. launched a project to establish a National Access Point for multimodal traffic information and to develop a route journey within the multimodal information services in traffic. On 12.04.2022, the kick-off meeting was held in Karlovac (Main Center for Supervision and Management of Traffic on State Roads). In the meeting participated representatives of Croatina Roads d.o.o., Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Realis – information technologies d.o.o. (Slovenia). The representative of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb was prof. Sadko Mandžuka, PhD.
The Faculty of Transport Sciences has made a significant contribution to the preparation of the project, primarily through the preparation of the necessary Study for providing multimodal traffic information. In addition, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences was in charge of drafting the concept of the Main Center for the Supervision and Management of Traffic on State Roads and the National Access Point.
Further cooperation has been agreed on through the coordination with the OJP4Danube project – Coordination mechanisms for multimodal cross-border traveler information network based on OJP for Danube Region. The goal of the OJP4Danube project is to develop a multimodal cross-border passenger information network that connects local and regional public transport networks with major transport corridors (railways) that will be enriched with bicycle routes and bicycle travel information necessary for multimodal journeys. Within the project, a more advanced technical specification for linking transnational multimodal travel information and journey planning for environmentally friendly mobility in the Danube area is begin developed.

Updated: April 15, 2022 — 14:04
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.