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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

New paper published in journal IET Intelligent Transport Systems

Members of the Department Mladen Miletić, Edouard Ivanjko, Martin Gregurić and Krešimir Kušić participated in the preparation and publication of the paper “A review of reinforcement learning applications in adaptive traffic signal control”, which was published in the scientific journal „IET Intelligent Transport Systems“ (WoS CC, IF: 2.496) published by Wiley.

The research described in the article was conducted as part of the project funded by the Scientific Foundation of the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences under the grant: “Cooperative adaptive control of signalized intersection in mixed traffic flow environments”, Croatian Scientific Foundation “Development of Learning Agent-based Systems for Improved Urban Traffic Control (DLASIUT)” and the DATACROSS as the project funded by the Centre of Research Excellence for Data Science and Cooperative Systems. Paper can be accessed at the following link.

Updated: June 10, 2022 — 12:08
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.