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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

H2020 TODO – International Conference on Open Data ICOD2022

We invite you to register for the International Conference on Open Data ICOD2022, which will be organized as part of the H2020 project TODO (Twinning Open Data Operational) from November 28 to December 2, 2022 at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. The theme of the conference is Open Data Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis and Growth.

The scientific conference will cover a wide range of topics on challenges in the provision and use of open data. In addition to scientists, experts from public authorities and private sector organizations, as well as users of open data and other interested stakeholders will actively participate in the conference. The conference will be held in a hybrid format (online and offline), and the official language of the conference is English.

You can find more information about the conference at: https://icod2022.pravo.hr/home

The full conference call for papers is available at: https://icod2022.pravo.hr/call

The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is September 30, 2022 at the link: https://limesurvey.srce.hr/448112

If you have any questions please send an email to pdurman@pravo.hr or mvujic@fpz.unizg.hr.

More information regarding the TODO project can be found here: https://todo-project.eu/

Updated: September 7, 2022 — 09:35
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.