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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

MDPI Sustainability – Special issue: „Open Urban Mobility for Efficient and Sustainable Transport“

Within the series of special issues of the journal MDPI Sustainability (WoS, IF: 3.889, Q2), the topic “Open urban mobility for efficient and sustainable transport” was proposed. The guest editor is a member of the Department for Intelligent Transport Systems, Asst. prof. Miroslav Vujić, with the co-editors Asst. prof. Martin Gregurić (Department for ITS) and Assoc. prof. Ivana Šemanjski (Ghent University, Belgium). This special issue belongs to the section “Sustainable Transport”, and the deadline for manuscript submission is October 31, 2023.

As the number of citizens living in urban areas increases, so too does the demand for mobility on a daily basis. Existing infrastructure is struggling with the traffic demand, and pollutant emissions from traffic are increasing. One approach to mitigating the impact of traffic in urban areas is the implementation of intelligent transport system solutions and services such as intelligent traffic control, urban traffic information systems, encouraging the use of public transport, etc. Additionally, with the development of the concept of open data in traffic, it has become possible to produce, use and update existing traffic information (which must be made available to all users), thus improving urban mobility. Most traffic parameters can be improved with adaptive traffic control for intersections (including reducing average travel times, reducing queue lengths, and secondarily, reducing the emission of CO2, noise reduction, etc.). Therefore, this Special Issue aims to provide insight into new traffic concepts and ideas for making urban traffic systems more efficient and interesting, with an emphasis on the improvement of the quality of alternative transport modes (such as public transport). With this aim in mind, we welcome original and/or review papers addressing the following topics:

  • Improvement of efficiency and safety of urban traffic network via intelligent control;
  • Data-driven analysis and improvement of public transport quality and sustainability;
  • Open data in urban traffic;
  • Smart city solutions;
  • Sustainable concepts in the urban traffic network;
  • Innovative ITS solutions based on open data;
  • Optimization and analysis of electrical and micro-mobility.
Updated: October 12, 2022 — 09:54
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.