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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

A new paper published in the journal Advanced Engineering Informatics (IF: 7.862)

Our newest article titled “A digital twin in transportation: Real-time synergy of traffic data streams and simulation for virtualizing motorway dynamics” has been published in the international scientific journal Advanced Engineering Informatics. The open access version of the article is now available online https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S1474-0346(22)00316-0.

This article was written under the co-authorship of Ph.D. student Krešimir Kušić, prof. René Schumann and prof. Edouard Ivanjko. It is a result of Krešimir’s research during the longer mobility at the Smart Infrastructure Laboratory in Valais/Wallis (HES-SO) supported by The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (2021-2022).

In this study, we propose methodological steps for the functional integration of continuous data streams from traffic counters across the physical motorway with running microscopic simulation. As a result, we developed a continuously calibrated microsimulation-based Digital Twin of the physical motorway. Additionally, we present a conceptual application and foundation of our Digital Twin in traffic management on motorways.

Updated: December 30, 2022 — 09:24
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.