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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

About Department

Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems is one of organizational units within the Division of Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics on the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.

Department was established according to the Faculty Council decision in 2001. It can be considered as the successor of Research center for ITS on Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, which was founded in 1999. The first Head of the Department was prof. Ivan Bosnjak, Ph.D. The structure of Department is confirmed and the current Head of Department is elected at the Faculty Council meeting held on 12th November 2008. asst. Pero Škorput, Ph.D. is the current Head of Department.

Department Mission

Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems is a scientific-educational and R&D organizational unit of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb. Department creates, transfers and applies knowledge in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems and related technologies.

Department Vision

Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems wants to become a regional scientific-educational and R&D centre of excellence in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems and related technologies, simultaneously integrated in the European network of related organizations.

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.