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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

The workshop for the postdoctoral project “Routing Electric Vehicles on a Time-Dependent Road Network” was held.

On September 28, 2023, the final workshop of the project “Routing Electric Vehicles on a Time-Dependent Road Network” was held in the Amphitheater of Building 69 at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. This project is funded by the support program for postdoctoral research of the Faculty’s employees. The project leader is Dr. Tomislav Erdelić from the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems. The main question addressed by the project was “How to deliver goods to users on the network considering deliveries within specific time windows, electric vehicles, and a time-dependent road network?”. The project brought together collaborators from various domestic and international institutions. The aim of the project was to conduct scientific activities, strengthen institutional capacities, and publish scientific papers.

The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences, and best practices on the following topics:

  • Solving the time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem, Tomislav Erdelić (FPZ)
  • Solving the traveling salesman problem: A genetic algorithm approach, Nikola Mardešić (FPZ)
  • Solving the energy and time shortest paths problem on a road network, Dominik Knez (FPZ)
  • Vehicle routing in the vending machine industry, Leo Tišljarić (INTIS)
  • Fast computation of traffic metrics from large amounts of historical spatio-temporal data using the SpaceTime database, Hrvoje Goldner, Tomislav Erdelić (FPZ)
  • Solving adapted delivery problems using electric vehicles, Tomislav Erdelić (FPZ)

The presentations are available here.

Updated: May 22, 2024 — 08:18
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.