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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Winners of Rector’s Award 2015/2016.


In the academic year 2015/2016. Commission to evaluate the submitted student projects for the Rector’s Award of the Faculty of Traffic Engineering assess and sent six students’ works to the Commission for scientific and artistic work of students of the University of Zagreb.



Congress Hall at the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb


After evaluation of the Commission for scientific and artistic work of students of the University of Zagreb decided that the following works meet the criteria of excellence and awarded Rector’s Award:

In the category (a) The award for individual scientific and artistic work (one or two authors)

  • Dominik Cvetek, Leo Tišljarić: Measuring the energy consumption of a small electric vehicle due to the configuration of the terrain in order to optimize the route of the vehicle (direction: ITS)
  • Nino Korent, Kresimir Kušić: Analysis of the impact of variable speed limits on traffic flow and environmental pollution (direction: ITS)

In category (b) award for the team scientific and artistic work (three to ten authors)

  • Nada Bjelica, Luka Brletić, Boris Bucak, Andrej Ignjatić, Vlatka Mišić, Ana Papac, Rosana Elizabeta Sente, Matea Vuletić, Petra Zorić: Proposal information and communication system for providing information services to users in a busy environment – SAforA (direction: ICP)
  • Marin Dokoza, Martin Furdić, Matea Mikulčić: Proposal of resolution railway bottleneck Mediterranean corridor TEN-T network in the Republic of Croatia (direction: Railways)

In category (f) award for community service work in the academic and wider community

  • Borić Ivan (Faculty of Traffic Engineering), Bošniak Nikol (Faculty of Traffic Engineering), Čupić Mišo (Faculty of Traffic Engineering), Daničić Nela (Croatian Studies), Yvonne Horvat (Faculty of Traffic Engineering), Marković Petra (Education and Rehabilitation Sciences), Megla Ela (Education and rehabilitation Sciences), Papak Josip (Croatian studies), Pavković Marija (Croatian studies), Perko Dean (Croatian studies), Rimac Mihaela (Croatian studies), Slatković Harčević Leona (Croatian studies), Široki Ivana (Croatian studies), Šokčević Juro (Faculty of traffic Engineering): Kampusijada sports competition of students of the University of Zagreb

Congratulations to the winners!


For more information visit: http://www.unizg.hr/nc/vijest/article/dobitnici-rektorove-nagrade-za-akademsku-godinu-20152016/

Updated: June 20, 2016 — 16:29
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.