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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Field work at the Center for highway maintenance and traffic control Ivanja Reka

On 9. June 2016. the students of the Faculty of Traffic Sciences, in the context of field work at the classes of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1, visited the Hrvatske autoceste Ltd. (HAC-ONC) – Center for highway maintenance and traffic control Ivanja Reka.

The visit was attended by students of the third year of undergraduate study, Intelligent Transport Systems and the first year of graduate studies of Road traffic. The visit was led by Assistant Ph.D. Martin Gregurić.


Posjet_COPKA_9.6.2016Students of the Faculty of Traffic Sciences visiting Hrvatske autoceste Ltd. (Ivanja Reka)


Students and scientific – teaching staff of the Faculty of Traffic Sciences was greeted in front of the HAC by the head of the group for control and management systems g. Josip Mostovac, ing.traff. and senior associates g. Davor Bićanić, dipl.ing.traff.  Engineer Mostovac introduced the students to the main functions and stressed particularly demanding manner of workers in emergency situations of different events occurring traffic flow considering that they are responsible for reporting incidents to more than 200 km highway. Engineer Davor Bićanić explained and demonstrated supervisory-management role and the collection and processing of traffic data on the motorway route. Students was shown the case of regulation and traffic control for the occurrence of driving on the highway in the opposite direction. The role of collection and processing of traffic data on the route of the highway, and particularly emphasizes the role of built meteorological station in winter maintenance was shown.


Posjet_COPKA_9.6.2016_2Students with Officer to monitor and manage traffic


Professional visit to Center for highway maintenance and traffic control Ivanja Reka is one in a series of regular expert visits organized by the Department for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Faculty of Traffic Engineering. In this way, students learn about the work of individual components of intelligent transport systems in the Republic of Croatia.

For more information visit official site of HAC.

Updated: June 20, 2016 — 16:37
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.