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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Internship student departure

On the 14th July Gabriel Oliveira Melo, our internship student from the Engineering school of Sao Carlos – EESC-USP, University of São Paulo, Brazil has finished his 6 months stay. He worked with the assist. prof. Edouard Ivanjko, his Ph.D. student Martin Gregurić and several master students on problems related to variable speed limit control on urban motorways with the emphasis of applying fuzzy logic for variable speed limit control. Achieved results were presented on the 4th July in front of the employees of the Department of intelligent transportation systems under the title “Variable Speed Limit Control on Urban Highways” and described in his final report with the same title. Results include the selection of a suitable highway section for modeling, calibration of the simulation model for a morning and noon peak period, implementation of two reactive variable speed limit controller, implementation of a fuzzy logic based controller and simulation testing of all controllers. We all congratulate Gabriel on his results and wish him the very best in continuation of his career.

Updated: July 30, 2017 — 16:07
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.