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Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems

Poziv za prijavu na Short Term Scientific Missions (doktorandi i postdoktorandi)

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) financirane su kao dio COST akcije CA16222 Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (WISE-ACT). Ovu istraživačku mrežu financira European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Akcija ima za cilj izgraditi europsku mrežu iskusnih znanstvenika, mladih istraživača i predstavnika industrije koji rade na prijelazu na autonomni i povezani promet.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) omogućuju znanstvenicima kraće istraživanje i studijske posjete istraživačkoj ustanovi ili laboratoriju u drugoj COST državi radi jačanja postojećih mreža i poticanja suradnje, učenja nove tehnike ili korištenja instrumenata i / ili metode koje nisu dostupne u vlastitoj instituciji i doprinose znanstvenim ciljevima djelovanja.

COST Action CA16222 ima niz radnih skupina. STSM-ovi se smatraju velikom prilikom za sudionike da svoje radove usredotoče u istraživačke interese koje su istaknute od strane radnih skupina ili uvođenje novih u svjetlu COST akcijskih ciljeva (za detalje pogledajte http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA16222). U ovom pozivu, akcija se želi usredotočiti na niz zadataka. Imajte na umu da to ne isključuje druge teme, koje bi također mogle biti financirane putem ovog ili drugih poziva tijekom ove akcije.

  1. STSM Topic: Macro-economic and fiscal effects of Autonomous and Connected Transport

Description: The STSM will build upon existing research about Electric Vehicles (EV) and link with Autonomous Vehicles (AV) to evaluate the macro-economic and fiscal effects of the deployment of Autonomous and Connected Transport (ACT). The outcome of this STSM will provide a national level overview of relevant impacts including policy recommendations.

Potential Host: University of Greenwich, London (UK)

  1. STSM Topic: Compile the Glossary of AV related terms

Description: The STSM will connect the ACT aspects of ongoing research related to architecture and design of smart systems with current work on smart mobility at the potential host institution. In particular, the STSM will consider the integration of ACT within existing city systems, examining how drivers and barriers in the application of the new system architectures and designs might influence the rate and period of transition. Central to the objectives of the STSM will also be the role of commercial parties and business opportunities in transition, and what public authorities can do to facilitate sustainable, smart, commercially-engaged future urban mobility.

Potential Host: University of the West of England, Bristol (UK)

  1. STSM Topic: Literature Review and Identification of Data Sets Regarding Automated Vehicles’ (AV) Implications on Travel Behaviour

Description: The STSM will perform a comprehensive literature review regarding the implications of automated vehicles on activity and travel behaviour and methods of data collection and modelling to better understand such implications.  It will also try to identify existing data sets that can be used for this purpose, and analyse the results of a questionnaire that will be distributed among the COST members in relation to these issues.

Through an extensive review of academic and grey literature as well as contacts with leading researchers in the field, this STSM will compile a:

  1. Review of current evidence and research evaluation of potential impacts of AV on activity and travel behaviour, including emerging travel services such as Uber and Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
  2. Review of data set, data types, methods used, and methods suggested to study AV implications on travel behaviour.
  3. List of potential data sets to be used to study the implications of AV on travel behaviour.
  4. Analysis of responses to a questionnaire on these topics distributed among WISE-ACT participants.

Potential Host: University of the Aegean, Chios (EL), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa (IL)

  1. STSM Topic: Fleet Scheduling and Traffic Simulation for Assessing ACT Scenarios

Description: The STSM will leverage the complementarity and possible interactions between traffic simulation models and fleet scheduling models for the assessment of ACT scenarios.  More specifically, this STMS will focus on specifying the parameters and criteria for interfacing academic and open-source traffic simulation engines with scheduling engines.  The outcome of this STSM will emphasize the potential benefits of combining the two approaches for the simulation and evaluation of a wider range of ACT scenarios.

Potential Host: Technical University of Munich, Munich (DE)

  1. STSM Topic: Extending a simulation-based platform for the evaluation of ACT scenarios

Description: The STSM will leverage and extend an existing open-source platform for the interactive control of a traffic simulation model from suitable programming languages, with the aim of creating a “simulation laboratory” for the evaluation of algorithms and scenarios. The objective is to provide the additional functionality, so that the platform is suitable for the evaluation of ACT scenarios. The tasks include: identification of suitable inputs and parameters, verification of those already covered, implementation of those missing. The resulting platform will be freely available to WISE-ACT participants, and other interested researchers.

Potential Hosts: JRC, Ispra (IT)

Those interested in submitting an application should consult the CA16222 STSM Guidelines for details about eligibility, grants, criteria for evaluation of applications/proposals and how to apply.

Grant Period: This Call covers the grant period 1st May 2018 – 31st December 2018 and any STSM should be completed during this period. This Call will fund STSMs up to a total value of EUR 2,500.

Deadlines: Applications should be received by e-mail until 29th May 2018. Decisions will be announced on 1st June 2018.


Nacionalni član Upravnog odbora: prof.dr. Sadko Mandžuka (smandzuka@fpz.hr)

Additional information on the COST Action CA16222: http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA16222

Additional information on COST Vademecum http://www.cost.eu/Vademecum

Updated: 7. svibnja 2018 — 13:41
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.