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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Paper presentation at MED-2018

Assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko attended the 26th International Conference MED-2018 in the beautiful Croatian town Zadar. He successfully presented his paper “A Comparison of Different State Representations for Reinforcement Learning Based Variable Speed Limit Control” as part of the regular session “Intelligent Transport Systems”. The presented work was done in cooperation with his Ph.D. student Krešimir Kušić and postdoc Martin Gregurić. In scope of the conference attendance, assoc. prof. Edouard Ivanjko was the chair of the regular session “Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control 1” with prof. Maquin Didier as co-chair.

Updated: June 29, 2018 — 06:59
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.