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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

New mobility grants received

During the know ending summer young researchers and students led by Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko received several mobility grants. Young researchers Martin Gregurić and Krešimir Kušić received an ERASMUSplus mobility grant to visit the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin in May 2019. The aim of this mobility is to gain new knowledge regarding multi-agent systems and deep learning. The same young researchers received also a grant to attend the 3rd International Summer School on Data Science (SSDS 2018) organized by the Centre of Research Excellence for Data Science and Advanced Cooperative Systems, Research Unit for Data Science. Young researcher Krešimir Kušić received a grant to attend the summer school 3rd cHiPSet training school “Large-Scale Data Mining and Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics” organized by the EU COST action IC1406 High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet). Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko received an ERASMUS mobility grant to visit the Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola, Department for traffic and transport in May 2019. The aim of this grant is to teach and to continue the existing cooperation with Assoc. Prof. Daniela Koltovska-Nečoska. Master students Mladen Miletić and Alan Vogel received mobility grants from the University of Zagreb program contract with the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences to present their papers on the scientific international conference ELMAR2018. The research work they will present was done under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko, and in cooperation with the master student Borna Kapusta and bachelor students Robert Šimić and Izidor Oremović. We all congratulate them on this success and wish them a pleasant journey with fruitful discussion and research work.

Updated: September 10, 2018 — 12:11
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.