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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Teaching Activity

According to the organization of the Department of Intelligent Transport Systems two chairs are created:

Chair of Transport Telematics

Chair of Applied Computing

Teaching activities are held through classes on undergraduate, graduate and post-graduation study as follows:

University undergraduate study:

  • Algorithms and programming
  • Architecture of intelligent transport systems
  • Automatic control of traffic and transport
  • Databases
  • Road telematics
  • Electronic circuits and computers
  • Intelligent transport systems I
  • Location and navigation systems
  • Computer security
  • Computing
  • Incident management in traffic

University graduate study:

  • Analysis and modeling of transport systems
  • Intelligent transport systems II
  • Advanced Databases
  • Traffic Geo-Information Systems
  • Data mining
  • Systems of measurement and remote control
  • Virtual reality systems in traffic
  • Telematic interface
  • Telematics in transport
  • Artificial Intelligence

Post-graduation study:

  • Expert systems
  • Traffic modelling
  • Traffic control systems
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.