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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

Martina Erdelić, Ph.D.

martinaE-mail: martina.erdelic@fpz.hr

Employed: 2014. (SORDITO project), 2015. (assistent)

FPZ web page

Publications summary (Croatian scientific bibliography)

Martina Erdelić was born 16th of August, 1990. in Zagreb where she attended and finished elementary and high school. In 2009. she continued her education at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, study program Information and communication traffic, where she received her M.Sc. degree. In November 2014. she started to work as project assistant on research project „System for route optimization in dynamic transport environment RC.2.2.08-0022″ funded by the European Regional Development Fund. In 2015. she enrolled the Ph.D. study „Technological Systems in Traffic and Transport“ at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (study adviser: prof. dr.sc Tonči Carić). In June 2015. she started to work as assistant in the engineering sciences, field technology of traffic and transport. Currently, she works at Faculty of Traffic Sciences at Department of Intelligent Transport Systems and participates in teaching of the courses Algorithms and programming, Database Systems, Advanced Database Systems, Optimization in Transport and Data mining. She uses English and German language.

Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.