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Department of Intelligent Transport Systems

sen. lec. Dino Čakija, M.Sc.

Dino Čakija was born on 21 December 1977 in Čakovec, Croatia. He attended elementary school in Koprivnica, and then enrolled and successfully completed the Natural Science and Mathematical Course of the Fran Galović Gymnasium in Koprivnica. He studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Sciences in Zagreb in 1996 and in September 2003 graduated at Automation and Process Computing Department under the mentorship of prof. dr. sc. Ivan Petrović with final thesis “Building a local probability map of space occupancy based on ultrasonic sensors”. During his studies he worked in a private company in the technical support department and later as a project manager in the area of ​​automation systems in industry and technical protection systems.

In September 2003, after completing the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Sciences in Zagreb, he founded the company Čakija d.o.o. based in town of Križevci, focusing on the design, implementation and maintenance of systems for measuring, managing and automation in industry, technical protection systems, access control and time attendance systems, product development and project management according to user requirements. In the following years, he participates in number of projects in the areas mentioned, such as development, design and implementation of an environment temperature management system for food production, industrial gas measurement and alarm systems, day/night automated cash deposits systems, systems for measuring and optimizing energy consumption in manufacturing etc. At the same time, he becomes a licensed consultant of Kaba Management & Consulting AG for the territory of the Republic of Croatia in the field of access control and time attendance systems.

Over time, his business interests focused on providing consulting services and software solutions in the area of ​​supply chain management (demand management, procurement, manufacturing and logistics planning). Since June 2012, he has become a consultant for Demand Management Inc. from the USA for the Republic of Croatia, one of the world’s leading provider of supply chain management software solutions. In line with the new field of activity, he has successfully completed number of certified courses, attended and lectured at expert conferences on supply chain management and helped number of companies to manage and optimize it´s supply chain processes. In addition to the above-mentioned areas, he developed number of intelligent business solutions “in the cloud”.

Along with running a private company, from 2014. he has been involved in lecturing at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences in Zagreb in Computer Science and Algorithms and Programming courses. In June 2017, he has been employed at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb to work as full-time lecturer and participates in the promotion and lecturing in Computer Science and Algorithms and Programming. In November 2017, he enrolled in a doctoral study at the Faculty of Transport Sciences under the title “Technological Systems in Transport and Transport”. Since November 2018, he has been a member of the Quality Management Committee in accordance with the decision of the Council of Faculty of Traffic Sciences.

Participation on projects:

  1. Short-term support from University of Zagreb for the project “Application of deep learning in intelligent traffic control”, project associate, May – December 2018, leader of the project Assoc. Prof. Edouard Ivanjko
Zavod za inteligentne transportne sustave, 2017.