INAIR 2015 Conference

Bruno Antulov-Fantulin1
Mr. Bruno Antulov-Fantulin presenting his work on human-machine interactions in ATC

On 12-13 November 2015, an international conference on air transport, INAIR 2015, was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

The topic of the 2015 INAIR Conference was finding ways to address the challenges of bringing innovation to the aviation industry without compromising safety and security. Keynote speakers came from the ranks of the most renowned organizations from Europe and USA, such as Miroslav Bartoš (European CANSO CEO Committee Chairman, Slovakia), Thomas Hoff Andersson (Copenhagen Airport, Denmark), Colin Meckiff (Eurocontrol, France), Gert Meijer (Aviation Academy, The Netherlands), John Wensveen (Purdue University, USA), and Henk Hesselink (NLR, The Netherlands).

Tomislav Radisic
Dr. Radišić presenting methods and best-practices of ATC research simulator development.

The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences was represented by four attendees: prof. Doris Novak, Bruno Antulov-Fantulin, Karolina Krajček, and Tomislav Radišić. Mr. Antulov-Fantulin presented his work on the method that can be used to detect controller workload saturation by measuring human-machine interactions, whereas Dr. Radišić presented the methods and best practices for development of the ATC research simulator.

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