Department of Aeronautics Receives a Visit from the Ambassador of France

Prof. Biljana Juričić presenting the Laboratory for air traffic control.
Prof. Biljana Juričić presenting the Laboratory for air traffic control.

Department of Aeronautics has been privileged to host a visit by the Ambassador of French Republic to the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Michèle Boccoz on 18 April 2016. Ambassador was hosted by the Dean of the Faculty prof. Hrvoje Gold, accompanied by employees of the Department of Aeronautics. The direct reason for the visit was the third year of successful cooperation between the French military aviation academy and Faculty on mentoring of French officers during the preparation of their master theses.

2nd Lieutenants Mathilde Marc and Mathilde Widehem presenting their work.
2nd Lieutenants Mathilde Marc and Mathilde Widehem presenting their work.

During a short meeting, the Ambassador was briefed on the structure, study programs and activities of the Faculty, and after the meeting the Ambassador visited the premises of the Faculty Campus Borongaj where the French officers currently on exchange at the Faculty presented their progress in preparing their master theses. The Ambassador visited the Laboratory for air traffic control and Laboratory for aerodynamics, and at the latter she talked with students who gave her a first-hand account of student life and activities at the Faculty.

Left to right: prof. Biljana Juričić, prof. Doris Novak, French Ambassador to Croatia Ms. Michèle Boccoz, Ms. Jasna Bas, 2nd Lieutenant Mathilde Marc, 2nd Lieutenant Mathilde Widehem, Dean of the Faculty prof. Hrvoje Gold, dr. Jurica Ivošević, Colonel Laurent Vonderscher, dr. Tomislav Radišić.
Left to right: prof. Biljana Juričić, prof. Doris Novak, French Ambassador to Croatia Ms. Michèle Boccoz, Ms. Jasna Bas, 2nd Lieutenant Mathilde Marc, 2nd Lieutenant Mathilde Widehem, Dean of the Faculty prof. Hrvoje Gold, dr. Jurica Ivošević, Colonel Laurent Vonderscher, dr. Tomislav Radišić.

The Ambassador expressed her support for this form of cooperation and a desire to deepen the cooperation in the future to mutual benefit.

The meeting was also attended by the military attaché Colonel Laurent Vonderscher, attaché for scientific and university cooperation Ms. Jasna Bas, from the French Embassy, and prof. Doris Novak and prof. Biljana Juričić from the Faculty.

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