Visit to the Diamond Aircraft Factory

On 20 April 2016 a delegation of the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences and Croatian Aviation Training Center, led by the dean, Prof. Hrvoje Gold, visited the headquarters of the currently world’s largest manufacturer of trainer aircraft, Diamond Aircraft in Wiener Neustadt, the Republic of Austria. The visit came at the invitation of the owner and CEO of the company, g. Christian Dries, who was, together with his associates, a very cordial host.

During the visit, in a constructive, open and friendly atmosphere, a number of complementary areas of common interest for cooperation, especially in education, civil aviation and exploitation of trainer aircraft were established. Both sides expressed an interest in the start of the cooperation as soon as possible, in order to achieve a synergistic effect, with each of the partners focusing on their own area of excellence.
It was found that for both potential partners there is good will and intention for fruitful cooperation in many fields in the future. The leadership of both sides have agreed and decided to start an intensive search for areas of common interest and development of operational plans for concrete ways to achieve cooperation as well as a possible joint approach to third parties.

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