Education of HUSK instructors


An educational workshop was held at the Croatian Air Traffic Control Training Centre (HUSK) on May 2nd, 2016. The workshop was conducted by assistant professor Biljana Juričić, PhD, the Head of Training at HUSK. She explained that the new European Regulation (EU REG 2015/340) for the training of air traffic controllers came into force on June 30th, 2015 and that all HUSK training plans and programmes are EU REG 2015/340 compliant although Croatian Civil Aviation Agency is using the derogation of the Regulation. The following HUSK plans and programmes are now in use: Basic ATCO Training Plan and Program – Undergraduate Study, Basic ATCO Training Plan and Program – Training Course, Basic ATCO Training Plan and Program – Conversion). Prof. Juričić presented differences between the old and the new air traffic controller’s plans and programmes, as well as the changes in quality and safety management of HUSK.

She also presented the new Synthetic Training Device Instructor Training Course which will be used for the instructor training during this year. The most of the certified HUSK instructors (employees of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, associates from Croatia Contol ltd. and from Meteorological and Hydrological Service) attended the educational workshop.


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