Summit on Flexible Use of Airspace in Croatia

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Department of Aeronautics) had the privilege to host the summit on Flexible Use of Airspace in Croatia on Wednesday 15 June 2016. The summit was organized by Croatia Control Ltd., with focus on informing all airspace users and other stakeholders in aviation on the subject. As one of the aviation stakeholder, the Department activities were presented by assistant professor Biljana Juričić. Future projects in redesigning the lower airspace was also presented by representatives of CroControl. The fruitful discussion that followed leads to conclusion that the summit aims were achieved in full, and that dialogue between national representatives and airspace users can be maintained and improved in future.

Summit on Flexible Use of Airspace organized by Croatia Control and hosted by the Department of Aeronautics
Summit on Flexible Use of Airspace organized by Croatia Control and hosted by the Department of Aeronautics

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