Croatian Air Force and the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciensces confirms good cooperation in the future

In order to further improve already good cooperation with Croatian Air Force (CAF) and academic community in the field of education of military pilots in Croatia, brigadier general Miroslav Kovač, Commander of the Croatian Air Force, meet with the representatives of Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences, prof. Ernest Bazijanac (vice dean) and assoc. prof. Doris Novak (head of the Aeronautical Division). Meeting was held on 12 October 2016 at the Croatian Air Force HQ and was accompanied with several other experts from the air force and other military branches. General Kovač emphasized that the CAF is more than satisfied with the model of education at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences, level of knowledge that future military pilots have after finishing part of their higher education at the Faculty. He also concluded that learning outcomes are well suited to the profiles that CAF needs. It is expected that CAF will provide full analysis of their future needs, and that the Faculty and Croatian Air Force will continue their long-lasting tradition in education of military pilots as aeronautical engineers and military experts.

Croatian Air Force and the Faculty confirms good cooperation in the future (from left to right: assoc. prod. Doris Novak, gen. Miroslav Kovač and prof. Ernest Bazijanac)

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