ERASMUS+ project at the Department of Aeronautics

ATCOSIMA project kick-off meeting was held in Zagreb on 25 and 26 October 2017. It is a three-year ERASMUS+ project, Action: Strategic Partnership for Higher Education. The project brings together Anadolu University (AU), Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb (ZFOT) and Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUBS). A consortium has been formed, with Anadolu University being the project coordinator. Experts from the aeronautical departments of the mentioned institutions will be working together on the project which deals with air-traffic controllers’ training. The primary objective of this project is to develop common assessment criteria for simulation training courses within the Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) basic training in order to improve students’ competencies regarding working effectively and in harmony within the integrated Pan-European air traffic system. The expected results are the development of standardized ATC training regarding economic targets of integrated ATM management in Europe, increased awareness of flight efficiency and, improved employment and mobility opportunities for ATCO candidates.

Representatives of the three institutions at the kick-off meeting.
Representatives of the three institutions at the kick-off meeting.

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