Croatian Team at the Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport Launch Conference

Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport is an ERASMUS+ KA2 project (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) which aims at strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity and at fostering innovation in higher education. The First Steering Committee (Kick-off Meeting) and the Launch Conference were held in Bucharest on 25th and 26th January 2018 and were hosted by lead partner “University Politehnica”.

Air transport asks for the development of smart jobs which are performed by a highly qualified workforce with multidisciplinary knowledge and skills. Such workforce undergoes a series of regulated and extensive trainings, which are related to jobs in their companies, to complete and permanently upgrade initial education. The KAAT project identifies the need for a link between the two pathways by issuing a methodology for Aviation Sectorial Qualification Framework that serves as a basis for recognition of prior learning or work experience. This allows the creation of coherent and flexible pathways and compliance between EC tools and ICAO and EASA regulations. The project objective is to develop a new study curriculum by applying innovative approaches in teaching and learning based on ICT tools, using the mutual and interdependent knowledge of 17 partners from education and business sectors from 7 countries: Croatia, France, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia. The project also aims at fostering a new attitude towards university and industry cooperation in aviation, and university updated and refreshed study programmes, taking into consideration the future demand of aviation labor market in terms of skills and competences.

Croatian team in the KAAT project is represented by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Croatia Airlines, Croatia Control and Aeronautical Technical Center.

KAAT Launch Conference
Croatian representatives at the KAAT launch conference

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