HUSK Basic ATCO Training – 2018

New aerodrome candidates for HUSK Basic ATCO Training - 2018
New aerodrome candidates for HUSK Basic ATCO Training – 2018

On May 28th, 2018 a new class of 10 candidates selected by CroControl Ltd (Croatian ANSP) started their ATC basic training at the HUSK (Croatian Air Traffic Control Training Centre of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences). The candidates are selected for aerodrome control.

The training is being held by employees of the Department of Aeronautics with significant input from the ATC instructors employed by CroControl.  The goal of the course is to teach the candidates basic theory and skills needed for future work and rating training. The basic training covers following topics: Introduction, Air Law, Navigation, Air Traffic Management, Aircraft, Equipment and Systems, Human Factors, Meteorology, Professional Environment, and Aviation English. The training is compliant to EU regulation 2015/340.

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