On 3rd October 2018 Prof. Tomislav Josip Mlinarić, PhD, the dean of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Vlado Bagarić, the director general of Croatia Control Ltd., Jasmin Bajić, the president and the CEO of Croatia Airlines and Ivica Grebenar, the CEO of Aeronautical Technical Centre J.S.C. signed a Cooperation agreement on European scientific and research project in the field of aviation at the Faculty of Traffic Sciences.

This is the first time that Croatian market leader companies from aviation industry actively cooperate with the scientific community and take part in a major European project that aims to improve and promote innovation in higher education.
Air transportation industry requires constant modernisation of current and development of new jobs that are performed by highly qualified workers with multidisciplinary knowledge and skills. The partners from six EU countries are involved in this project to mutually develop a new study programme and innovative curricula as well as to develop a joint international study program. This study program will introduce innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and will help in establishing a strong cooperation between the scientific community and the aviation industry.
Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport (KAAT) project is a part of ERASMUS+ Programme Key Action 2 (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices). It aims to improve European innovation capacities and encourage innovation in higher education. The project coordinator is the University Politehnica of Bucharest and toghether with the partners from Croatia, the companies and universities from Portugal, France, Italy, Slovakia and Romania are involved in the project (altogether 6 universities and 17 companies from aviation industry). The KAAT project started on 1st January 2018 and will last for 36 months. The value of the project is 1 million Euros. Project coordinator for Croatian partners participating in the KAAT project is Prof. Doris Novak.
The KAAT project supports the development of a joint international study program that will be in line with the changing demands of the society and the economy, taking into account the needs and requirements of the labour market in aviation field and in that way enhance employability, self-employability and entrepreneurship. In addition, this study program will be tailored to the needs of the labour market and in accordance with the Croatian Qualification Framework that sets national occupational standards and qualifications. It will also improve and strengthen cooperation with other national and international institutions and organizations in the field of aviation.