3rd Steering Committee of the Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport held in Zagreb

Organized by the Department of Aeronautics, Croatia Control and Croatia Airlines, the 3rd Steering Committee (SC3) of the Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport (KAAT) Erasmus+ KA2 project was held in the Faculty of Transport Sciences and Croatia Control from 13 to 14 December. The meeting was attended by partners from European universities and aerospace companies participating in the KAAT project.

Participants of the KAAT 3rd Steering Committee at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences

Considerable issues were raised regarding the establishment of new study programs and the agreed dynamics of future co-operation in the development of human resources in aviation sector. The meeting was also an opportunity for a better acquaintance with partners from the academia and industry. As part of the SC3 activity, Croatia Control was presented, where during the working visit the participants could get acquainted with the operational way of implementing the ATCO training and their work in the area control center (ACC).

Work visit to simulation center and area control center of Croatia Control
National flags of all participants attending the meeting

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