Cooperation on military pilots higher education between the Department of Aeronautics and Croatian Air Force

On September 4, 2019, a meeting was held at the Croatian Air Force (CAF) Headquarters on the further development of successful cooperation related to the education of military pilots at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic  Sciences, University of Zagreb. The meeting was hosted by Deputy Air Force Commander and Chieff of Staff Brigadier General Michael Križanec, with Colonel Goran Huljev, Colonel Ivica Mandušić, Lieutenant Colonel Željko Harapin, Lieutenant Ante Širić. The Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences was presented by Dean Tomislav Josip Mlinarić accompanied by Head of Department of Aeronautics prof. Doris Novak.

Participants at the meeting at Croatian Air Force HQ (form left to right): Col. I. Mandušić, prof. D. Novak, Gen. M. Križanec, prof. T.J. Mlinarić, Col. G. Huljev, Col. Ž. Harapin, Lt. A. Širić
Participants at the meeting at Croatian Air Force HQ (form left to right): Col. I. Mandušić, prof. D. Novak, Gen. M. Križanec, prof. T.J. Mlinarić, Col. G. Huljev, Col. Ž. Harapin, Lt. A. Širić


On behalf of the Croatian Air Force, General Križanec expressed strong support for the aeronautics study program, which as such has been developed and conducted at the  Faculty of Transport and Traffic  Sciences since 1992. Continuity in higher education for military officers – future CAF pilots is important to maintain, and the system needs to be continually adapted to technology developments, especially in aviation. In this way technical and technological development of the Air Force is guaranteed and the cooperation of a higher education institution such as the Faculty and the CAF can serve as a model example for the education of highly educated personnel for the armed forces. At the meeting, the analysis of the study program was presented and concrete actions and future cooperation on specific issues were agreed in order to further develop aeronautics study for CAF needs.

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