According to Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport (KAAT) project schedule, the 4th Steering Committee was held in Rome, Italy from 9th to 10th October 2019. The results of work package 5 were presented by Prof. Steliana Toma (UPB) and Prof. Doris Novak (UNIZG) in form of the Methodology for SQF and recognition of prior learning and work experience. Also, analysis of interim report was conducted as well as finalization of gap assessment and improvement of study programmes.

The International Conference “Air Transport Qualifications in the XXI Century” was held on 11th October 2019 with the agenda on future challenges, occupations and qualifications for the air transport sector. Upcoming changes and key technological transformations that will have an impact on current and future occupations and qualifications was presented, as well as new technological tools in the provision of training, learning needs of future generations, aligning curricula to the new needs of an evolving labor market.