Department of Aeronautics at 10th ASPAG meeting in Dubai

Department of Aeronautics (ZAN) of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences participated at the Aırport Sımulatıon and Performance Assesment Group (ASPAG) meeting in Dubai on October 27th and 28th, 2019. ASPAG gathers professionals from aviation industry that use primarily fast time simulation in their research.

ZAN was represented by Associate Professor Biljana Juričić and teaching assistant Bruno Antulov-Fantulin with the work on the project Development of Common ATC Simulation Training Assessment Criteria Based on Future Pan European Single-Sky Targets (ATCOSIMA). They presented the project overview and the baseline results with their partners from Eskişehir Technical University, Associate Professor Cem Çetek and Assistant Professor Fulya Aybek Çetek.


At the end of the meeting, it was proposed that one of the next ASPAG meetings would be organized in Zagreb, at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.

ESTU & ZFOT ATCOSIMA team members atop the Burj Khalifa
ESTU & ZFOT ATCOSIMA team members atop the Burj Khalifa
10th ASPAG meeting
10th ASPAG meeting

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