AISA Kick-off Meeting

AISA Kick-off Meeting
AISA Kick-off Meeting

The representatives of Department of Aeronautics (ZAN) of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences participated in the Kick-off Meeting of H2020 project AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation (AISA). The meeting was organized by SESAR JU on 12th of June 2020 via Webex online due to COVID-19.

Together with 4 representatives of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, the meeting was attended by 16 representatives of other 6 organisations from Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Germany and Spain involved in the project and the SJU – Programme manager. The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is the coordinator of this project, which tends to increase the possibility for introduction of automation in air traffic management (ATM) by researching domain-specific application of transparent and generalizable artificial intelligence methods.

Therefore, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences will work closely with all project partners to ensure collaborative approach and to achieve the main project objectives:

  • explore the effects of human-machine distributed situational awareness and opportunities for automation of monitoring tasks in en-route operation
  • identify the data needed by air traffic controller (ATCO) to ensure that the proposed solution is correct (transparency) and develop the method to provide that data
  • investigate methods for adaptation of the automated system to changes of the environment ensuring business continuity and safety.

The Kick-off Meeting was very productive and the main activities for the period of next six months have been agreed. This implies the organisation of internal meetings within the project consortium as well as the organisation of the workshop, development of deliverables and activation of the project website.

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