The Department of Aeronautics received a new doctor of science

On Thursday, October 1, 2020, a candidate Bruno Antulov-Fantulin,, defended his doctoral dissertation titled: Air Traffic Complexity Model based on Air Traffic Controller Tasks. The doctoral thesis was written and defended in English and was held online via Microsoft Teams. Alongside the University of Zagreb members, there were guests from the foreign universities, such as ETH Zurich, Eskisehir Technical University, and the University of Belgrade. Beside the guests from various universities, members from different industries attended as well, such as local air navigation service providers, Thales, and the director of NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI), Mr. Parimal Kopardekar, Ph.D.

The doctoral defense council consisted of assistant professor Tomislav Radišić, Ph.D. (chairman), associate professor Biljana Juričić, Ph.D. (supervisor), and associate professor Cem Cetek, Ph.D. (member), who have graded the doctoral thesis defense with summa cum laude.

The thesis resulted in the first official patent application of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb and it is the first model that could easily be implemented for the operational purposes. Moreover, this is a great scientific contribution and a step forward in the complexity assessment calculations that the Department of Aeronautics has achieved.


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