KAAT workshop at UNIZG

On 7th December 2020, an online workshop was held in the organization of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the University of Zagreb, presenting the achieved goals of the Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport – KAAT project. The goal of this project is to connect education and training of personnel in the aviation sector. The development and adoption of the proposed Methodology for the Aviation Sectoral Qualification Framework was singled out as the primary step towards reaching this goal. Another significant activity presented at the workshop was the development of new approaches of cooperation between the industry and higher education in order to predict the future demand of aviation personnel in the labour market. The results and achievements of the study program IT Applied in Aviation, which was launched at University Politehnica of Bucharest and in which all partners in the project actively take part, were also presented. The workshop was organised for experts in the education sector and other interested parties – companies and individuals from the industry, all interested students and teachers at the Faculty.

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