AMOS-BL Kick-off Meeting

The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, together with Croatian SME Quantum Bit Ltd., is starting a new research and development project called Adaptive Modular Software-Defined Radio for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Adaptivni modularni softverom upravljani radio za bespilotne letjelice – AMOS-BL). The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund via its Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020. To get the project started, the representatives from both partner organizations held the Kick-off Meeting to meet for the first time in full complement and to plan the future project activities. The Kick-off Meeting was held online on 29th of January 2021.

The project will run for three years and will be implemented in two phases – experimental research phase and development phase. Its main goal is to transfer the existing know-how to the business partner and to create a prototype of an adaptive modular software-defined radio for unmanned aerial vehicles. To achieve that goal, the project team members have discussed the plan and the main activities for the next year. Also, the communication channels and activities, as well as administration status and requests were discussed and will be developed in the next few months.

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