AISA team in Zurich

The AISA team performed the second preparatory test last week in Zürich to get everything ready for  human-in-the-loop experiments with Skyguide ATCOs in November. The goal of those experiments is to measure situational awareness of experienced air traffic controllers and use the gathered data to later compare it to artificial intelligence situational awareness.

The test was performed at Skyguide Zürich Area Control Center and involved three air traffic controllers and experts from ZHAW and University of Zagreb. The controllers were asked to test the simulation scenarios developed at Zagreb University using EUROCONTROL’s ESCAPE Light ATC simulator. There will be 20 participants in the November experiments who will be asked to complete 5 traffic scenarios of different complexity, starting from a light traffic situation with no conflicts and few aircraft to situations of increasing intensity with multiple crossings and military area activation.

During the human-in-the-loop experiment, controller reactions will be followed and assesed by measurements of human performance aspects, such as eye tracking of gaze behavior, chest belt for pulse and heart rate monitoring and skin conductance sensors to measure mental activation.

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