Captain James R. Lee delivers engaging lecture

Department of Aeronautics hosted Captain James R. Lee who gave a lecture on pilot training and “Threat and Error Management“ (TEM) model and recounted most interesting events of his distinguished pilot career.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, the guest of the Department of Aeronautics, American Captain James R. Lee, gave a lecture on pilot training and “Threat and Error Management” (TEM) model. The lecture was attended by about a hundred students who had the opportunity to ask questions related to flight safety, pilot training models in the United States of America, the introduction of single-pilot flights and other aviation topics.

Associate professor Biljana Juričić, Head of the Department of Aeronautics, welcomed Captain Lee and greeted the audience on the behalf of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.

Captain Lee has a BS degree in Applied Mathematics and was a United States Coast Guard pilot on the HC-130H aircraft.

Since 1996 he has worked for Delta Air Lines and has accumulated more than 20,000 flight hours in the B727, MD88, MD90, B737, B757, B767, B717 and CS100 aircraft. Captain Lee is a main instructor and examiner on various types of aircraft. He is also a key member of Delta’s ASAP ERC team. Aviation Safety Action Program or ASAP is a system that enables pilots to report errors to their company without risk of disciplinary action. 

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