First Generation of Military Air Traffic Control Students!

On Friday, March 15, 2024, the Department of Aeronautics was visited by the representatives of the Ministry of Defense’s Public Relations Service along with a team of journalists from the Croatian Radio and Television in order to produce a special feature on our first-year students, cadets of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia and first generation of undergraduate students enrolled in the Military Air Traffic Control module at the Department of Aeronautics, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.

The students talked about their motivation for choosing a career in military air traffic control, stressing a deep love for their homeland and aviation as key factors. They shared their experiences with great enthusiasm and provided insights into the challenges and aspirations they face on their new academic journey.

The feature can be seen on (video in Croatian).

All the information on the new study programmes along with the entry requirements can be found on the webpages of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences and the Ministry of Defence:

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