Date: 08. 03. 2019.

DIGFORASP has had its own activities within the official program of the event. Jesús Medina, in particular, professor at the University of Cádiz and coordinator of the project, has inaugurated a seminar with the presentation of this European project led by UCA, in which eight researchers of the team have illustrated how different mathematical and science tools of computing can be used in various practical cases. Additionally, two members of the core group of the program COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Raffaele Olivieri, of the Digital Analysis Laboratory of the Carabineers in Italy, and Zeno Geradts, of the Forensic Institute of the Netherlands, gave lectures on the role of artificial intelligence in digital forensic analysis. Professor Dragan Peraković from University of Zagreb, Faculty of traffic and transport sciences participates in the DIGFORASP project as Action MC member.

The main objective of the meeting was to present the potential of the members of the network to the most important companies and personalities in the field of forensic analysis, as well as to reinforce cooperation for the constitution and design of new more autonomous tools with more potential that could give answer to the current problems that the professionals of the security forces of all Europe find.

DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices (DigForASP) is an open network involving more than 120 researchers from 34 countries. They work on searching synergies between the challenges of digital forensic investigation, Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Reasoning, in order to introduce new technologies in digital forensic analysis, which help improve processes and obtain more direct and efficient results. Throughout the four years that this project will last, it is intended to create one of the largest European intergovernmental networks for the coordination of European scientific and technical research in this field, under the support of the European Cooperation Program in Science and Technology (COST) funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union, which seeks to strengthen scientific and technical research in Europe, financing the establishment of collaborative networks among researchers.
