Current position and functions:

Assistant Professor

Head of Laboratory for Security and Forensic Analisys of Information and Communication System

Scientific Associate

Stanford/Elsevier's Top 2% Scientist 


Academic Social Networks

Education and training:

2020. – Ph.D.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2013. – mag. ing. traff.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2011. – univ. bacc. ing. traff.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb


Undergraduate studies (Assistant):

Information and Communication Theory

Terminal devices

Graduate studies (Assistant):

e-Business Systems

Security and Protection of Information and Communication System

Forensic Analysis of Information and Communication System

Designing of Information and Communication Services

Work expirience:

2025 - Member of the Management Board of the Class of Postal and Information-Communication Traffic Engineers and Member of the Assembly of the Croatian Chamber of Traffic Engineers.

2024 - NATO RTG IST-218 / Multi-Domain Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for Military Usage

2023 - Assistant Professor

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2023 - Head of Laboratory for Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2023 - Consultative Group member of EuroQCI Thematic Working Group (ETWG) for Architecture, Interoperability and Standardization 

2023 - Project team member of Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI project (101091513 — CroQCI — DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01)

Project team (PT) is the operational body of the consortium. PT focuses on WP/activity leads and is responsible for project implementation at the operational level ensuring timely and high-quality implementation of all project activities. 

2022 - Member of CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies (CEN-CENELEC FGQT)

Quantum technology is in full development. An ecosystem of companies that focuses on quantum technology has already emerged in the Europe. Although we are still at the beginning of a revolutionary development, it is already important that quantum engineers think about its standardization. Contributing to standardization helps, for example, to demonstrate impact in grant applications and to investors, but also to realize a standard quality measure that can demonstrate the quality of a solution.

CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies (FGQT) is developing a roadmap for standards on quantum technology, describing what aspects should be standardized and when and where.  

2021 - Member of Thematic Innovation Council (TIC) for Security 

TICs were established by the Innovation Council for the Industry of the Republic of Croatia, at the proposal of the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, and established for each of the five Thematic Priority Areas (TPAs) of the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Republic of Croatia 2016-2020. (S3)

TICs act as the main coordinating bodies for each thematic priority area, ensure strategic management of it and provide an opportunity for networking of stakeholders in the business, research and public sector in accordance with the so-called model triple helix.Each TIC consists of representatives of the business sector (70 percent), consisting of company representatives and representatives of business organizations and associations, representatives of the scientific and research community operating in the area relevant to a particular TIC (20 percent) and representatives of public bodies. authorities (10 percent).

2020 - 2023 Postdoctoral Researcher

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2014 - 2020 Research Assistant

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

Technical skills and awards:

Relational databases, MS Visual Studio C # ™, T-SQL language, UML, C #, Python, Java, Linux OS, analysis tools and penetration testing of information and communication system (eg, nmap, wireshark, Xplico, ettercap), applied machine learning, information security risk assessment, network anomaly detection

2013 - Dean's award for professional work titled "Development of a queue management system for student services at Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences"

2015 - FESTO scholarship 

2015- Best presentation award  for the paper entitled "Classification of Security Risks in the IoT Environment" at 26th scientific conference DAAAM (Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing) held in Zadar, Croatia

2020 - EAI Distinguished Member (the top 0.5% members of EAI community)

2021 - Award for special achievements in scientific research (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences)

2022 - Best paper award for the scientific paper entitled Concept, architecture and performance testing of a smart home environment for the visually impaired persons by authors Marko Periša, Ivan Cvitić, Petra Zorić and Ivan Grgurević at the international scientific conference EAI MMS 2022 - 7th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems held October 5-7, 2022 in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland.

2024. - Stanford/Elsevier's Top 2% Scientist 

Fields of interest:

Security and protection of information and communication systems, network security, IoT security, security of cloud environments, methods of virtual environment protection, methods and mechanisms for the protection of access to services, applied machine learning and AI, quantum communications.

Science and practice activity:

Scientific Papers and Journal articles:

The author and co-author of more then 40 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of international conferences.

2023 - current - Guest Editor - special issue titled New Advances and Challenges in Communication Networks, 2nd Edition in MDPI Electronics journal

2022 - current- Associate Editor in Journal of Cyber Security Technology (Taylor&Francis)

2021 - 2023 current - Guest Editor - special issue titled New Advances and Challenges in Communication Networks in MDPI Electronics journal

2020 - current - Editorial board member (Topics Editor) for scientific journal MDPI Electronics (WoSCC, IF2019:2.412, Q2) 

Reviewer for following scientific journals:

IEEE Internet of Things Journal  (WoSCC, IF: 9.936, Q1)

Nature Scientific Report (WoSCC, IF: 4.380, Q1)

Springer Wireless Networks  (WoSCC, IF2020: 2.602, Q2)

Elsevier Computer & Security  (WoSCC, IF2020: 4.438, Q1)

MDPI Electronic  (WoSCC, IF2020:2.690, Q2) 

MDPI Energies (WoSCC, IF2020: 3.252, Q2)

MDPI Applied Sciences (WoSCC, IF2020: 2.838, Q1)

MDPI Symmetry (WoSCC, IF2020 = 2.940, Q2)

MDPI Sensors  (WoSCC, IF2020 = 3.847, Q1)

-  MDPI Mathematics (WoSCC, IF2020 = 2.592, Q2)

PROMET Traffic&Transportation (WoSCC, IF2020: 0.898, Q2)

IET Networks (WoSCC IF2020: 3.611, Q2)

Hindawi Security and Communication Network(WoSCC IF: 1.791, Q2)

- MDPI Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks

 - MDPI Information


Important works:


Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI (101091513 — CroQCI — DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01), grant: DEP - Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), 2023.-2025.

Ekstrakcija i analiza forenzički prihvatljivih digitalnih dokaza vozila, mobitela i aplikacija, voditelj: Dragan Peraković, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Nacionalni program sigurnosti cestovnog prometa Republike hrvatske (NPSCP). 2022.-2023.

Preventivno edukativni program "NE mobitelu u vožnji", voditelj: Dragan Peraković, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Nacionalni program sigurnosti cestovnog prometa Republike hrvatske (NPSCP). 2022.-2023.

Izazovi informacijsko-komunikacijskih mreža i tehnologija, usluga i korisničke opreme pri uspostavi okruženja Society 5.0:Faza 2, voditelj projekta: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Peraković, izvor financiranja: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2021.

Izazovi informacijsko-komunikacijskih mreža i tehnologija, usluga i korisničke opreme pri uspostavi okruženja Society 5.0, voditelj projekta: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Peraković, izvor financiranja: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2020.

Analiza obilježja generiranog podatkovnog prometa raznovrsnih terminalnih uređaj, voditelj projekta: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Peraković, izvor financiranja: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2019. - 2020.

Sustav automatskog identificiranja i informiranja mobilnih entiteta u prometnom sustavu (projekt u sklopu programa potpore Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, broj TP104), 2015. 

HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o., Studija implementacije sustava informiranja putnika na željezničkoj mreži, 2019. – 2020.

Hrvatske ceste d.o.o., Studija za pružanje multimodalnih informacija u prometu, 2019.

Državna uprava za zaštitu i spašavanje, Informatička podrška za ispitivanje organizacijske klime, 2018.

Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Nacionalni program sigurnosti cestovnog prometa Republike hrvatske 2011. – 2020. Utjecaj korištenja mobilnih uređaja na ponašanje vozača tijekom vožnje, Zavod za informacijsko-komunikacijski promet Fakulteta prometnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2017. – 2018.

The membership in associations:

EAI - European Alliance for Innovations, DAAAM - Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing, TM Forum, ITS - The International Telecommunications Society