Current position and functions:

Associate Professional in the science and higher education system


Academic Social Networks

Education and training:

2009. – Cisco Certified Network Associate

NetAkademija & University of Zagreb

2009. –

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2001. – Technician for computing

Technical school of Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb

2000. – Mechanic of electronics

Technical School, Zagreb


Undergraduate studies (Assistant):

Telemetics Systems Maintainance (lectures, auditory exercises, seminar)

Switching processes and systems (lectures, auditory exercises)

Work expirience:

2019.  Associate Professional

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2009. Assistant

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2008. – 2009. Student assistant

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

2005. – 2007. Referent

Privredna banka Zagreb Plc., Zagreb

2001. – 2002. Computer technician

SMT spektar Ltd., Velika Gorica

2001. Trainee

Privredna banka Zagreb Plc., Zagreb

1997. – 2000. Practitioner

Mikel elektronik Ltd., Velika Gorica

Technical skills and awards:

2020. Personal Performance, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

2018. Learning Outcomes in Higher Education and Constructive Alignment, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

2014. Teaching Methods - Methodological Professional Development in the Technical Field, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

2011. Technology Transfer, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in collaboration with the Human Dynamics Consortium

2009. Cisco Certified Network Associate, NetAkademija and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

2006. Rector's Award for the work: "Interactive Application for Informing Students in Real Time via Mobile Terminal Devices"

Fields of interest:

Website development, creating information communication application solutions and services, implementation and development of GIS modules, implementation and development of LBS system modules, use of GNSS components for the purpose of traffic studies, advanced knowledge of electronic components, computer and mobile terminal devices, issues of terminal and mobile terminal equipment, safety in appliance and forensic analysis of terminal devices, telematics systems maintenance, reliability of information and communications systems, information and communication technologies, services and technologies based on the location of the user, simulation processes within the information and communication traffic, development and exploitation of assistive technologies in traffic

Science and practice activity:


2023. Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure) - CroQCI (101091513 — CroQCI — DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01, source of funding: DEP - Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL), 2023.-2025.

2022. Preventive educational program "NO cell phones while driving" (cro. Preventivno edukativni program "NE mobitelu u vožnji"), source of funding: Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, National Road Traffic Safety Program of the Republic of Croatia, 2022.-2023.

2022. Modeling an innovative ecosystem for the provision of IoT services in autonomous systems (cro. Modeliranje inovativnog ekosustava za pružanje IoT usluga u autonomnim sustavima), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program 2022.

2021. Challenges of information and communication networks and technologies, services and user equipment when establishing the Society 5.0 environment:Phase 2 (cro. Izazovi informacijsko-komunikacijskih mreža i tehnologija, usluga i korisničke opreme pri uspostavi okruženja Society 5.0:Faza 2), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2021.

2020. Improvement and implementation of professional practice at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (cro. Unapređenje i provedba stručne prakse na Fakultetu prometnih znanosti - PRISTUP FPZ), source of funding: European Union from the European Social Fund (UP., 2020-2023.

2020. Challenges of information and communication networks and technologies, services and user equipment when establishing the Society 5.0 environment (cro. Izazovi informacijsko-komunikacijskih mreža i tehnologija, usluga i korisničke opreme pri uspostavi okruženja Society 5.0), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2020.

2019. Analysis of the characteristics of the generated data traffic of various terminal devices (cro. Analiza obilježja generiranog podatkovnog prometa raznovrsnih terminalnih uređaj), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2019. - 2020.

2018. Analysis of the characteristics of the generated data traffic of various terminal devices (cro. Analiza obilježja generiranog podatkovnog prometa raznovrsnih terminalnih uređaj), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2018. - 2019.

2017. The influence of the use of mobile devices on the driver's behavior while driving (cro. Utjecaj korištenja mobilnih uređaja na ponašanje vozača tijekom vožnje), source of funding: Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, National Road Traffic Safety Program of the Republic of Croatia, 2017.-2018.

2017. Analysis of the characteristics of the generated data traffic of various terminal devices (cro. Analiza obilježja generiranog podatkovnog prometa raznovrsnih terminalnih uređaj), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2017. - 2018.

2015. Researching the context of the use of smart mobile devices and related information and communication services (cro. Istraživanje konteksta korištenja pametnih mobilnih uređaja i povezanih informacijsko komunikacijskih usluga), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2015.

2014. Research on the possibility of applying the IoT concept to improve the movement of blind and visually impaired persons through the transport network (cro. Istraživanje mogućnosti primjene koncepta IoT za poboljšanje kretanja slijepih i slabovidnih osoba prometnom mrežom), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2014.

2013. Information and communication services for the movement of persons with reduced and impaired mobility through the traffic network  (cro. Informacijsko-komunikacijske usluge za kretanje prometnom mrežom osoba smanjene i otežane pokretljivosti), source of funding: University of Zagreb from the support program, 2013.

Scientific Papers and Journal articles:

The author and co-author of more than 30 scientific papers in journals, scientific books and proceedings of international conferences (see links to academic social networks for details).

Important works:

1.) Grgurević, Ivan; Jovović, Ivan; Ištvanović, Luka; Brodarić, Allen.
Analysis of the Form and Frequency of Failures of User Information and Communication Equipment // Proceedings of 7th Conference "MAINTENANCE 2022" / Hadžikadunić, Fuad ; Petković, Darko (ur.).
Zenica: University of Zenica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, 2022. str. 97-104

2.) Forenbacher, Ivan; Husnjak, Siniša; Jovović, Ivan; Bobić, Mislav.
Throughput of an IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network in the Presence of Wireless Audio Transmission: a Laboratory Analysis // Sensors, 21 (2021), 8; 2620, 14

3.) Jovović, Ivan; Husnjak, Siniša; Forenbacher, Ivan; Maček, Sven.
Innovative Application of 5G and Blockchain Technology in Industry 4.0 // EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 6 (2019), 18

4.) Forenbacher, Ivan; Husnjak, Siniša; Cvitić, Ivan; Jovović, Ivan.
Determinants of mobile phone ownership in Nigeria // Telecommunications policy, 43 (2019), 7; 101812, 12

5.) Jovović, Ivan; Peraković, Dragan; Husnjak, Siniša.
The Impact of Using Modern Information and Communication Equipment and Services on Driving Safety. // Promet - Traffic & Transportation. 30 (2018) , 5; 635-645.

6.) Peraković, Dragan; Grgurević, Ivan; Šarić, Željko; Forenbacher, Ivan; Husnjak, Siniša; Jovović, Ivan; Cvitić, Ivan; Kordić, Gordana; Sente, Rosana Elizabeta; Zorić, Petra.
Using mobile devices while driving in Croatia – preliminary analysis // Proceedings of The 5th International Virtual Research Conference in Technical Disciplines (RCITD-2017) / Mokrys, Michal ; Badura, Stefan ; Peraković, Dragan (ed.), Zilina, Slovak Republic : EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2017. 56-61.

7.) Husnjak, Siniša; Peraković, Dragan; Forenbacher, Ivan; Jovović, Ivan.
Identification and Prediction of User Behavior Depending on the Context of the Use of Smart Mobile Devices // Proceedings of the 26th DAAAM International Symposium / B. Katalinic (ed.), Vienna, Austria : DAAAM International, 2016. 0462-0469.

8.) Jovović, Ivan; Forenbacher, Ivan; Periša, Marko.
Massive Machine-Type Communications: An Overview and Perspectives Towards 5G // RCITD - Proceedings in Research Conference in Technical Disciplines 2015 / Mokrys, Michal ; Badura, Stefan (ed.), Zilina : EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2015. 32-37.

9.) Peraković, Dragan; Jovović, Ivan; Sobota, Darko.
The model of system for marketing promotion based on user location // Proceedings in Conference of Informatics and Management Sciences / Ing. Michal Mokrys ; Ing. Stefan Badura, Ph.D. (ed.), Zilina : EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Žilina, 2015.

10.) Husnjak, Siniša; Peraković, Dragan; Jovović, Ivan.
Possibilities of Using Speech Recognition Systems of Smart Terminal Devices in Traffic Environment. // Procedia Engineering. 69 (2014) ; 778-787.

11.) Periša, Marko; Jovović, Ivan; Forenbacher, Ivan.
A Conceptual Applicative Solution for Helping People with Reduced Mobility // RCITD 2014 Proceedings in Research Conference In Technical Disciplines / Ing. Michal Mokrys ; Ing. Stefan Badura, Ph.D. (ed.). Zilina : EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2014. 82-85.

12.) Peraković, Dragan; Jovović, Ivan; Magušić, Radmila.
An Influence Study of the Use of Modern Communication Equipment on Traffic Safety // Conference Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Transport Science ICTS 2012 / Zanne, Marina ; Bajec, Patricija (ed.). Portorož : Uneversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, 2012. 1-10.

13.) Peraković, Dragan; Remenar, Vladimir; Jovović, Ivan.
XaaS Services as Modern Infrastructure of ITS in the Republic of Croatia // Proceedings of 19th ITS World Congress Vienna, Vienna, 2012. 1-8.

14.) Peraković, Dragan; Remenar, Vladimir; Jovović, Ivan.
Modelling of System for Transport and Traffic Information Management in Republic of Croatia // Cutting Edge Research in New Technologies / Volosencu, Constantin (ed.), Rijeka : InTech, 2012. Str. 305-326

15.) Peraković, Dragan; Remenar, Vladimir; Jovović, Ivan.
Model of the New LMS Generation with User-Created Content // New Trends in Technologies: Devices, Computer, Communication and Industrial Systems / Meng Joo Er (ed.), Rijeka : Sciyo, 2010. Str. 179-196.

16.) Peraković, Dragan; Jovović, Ivan; Forenbacher, Ivan.
Analysis of the Possibilities and Effects of Implementing Interactive Application for Mobile Terminal Devices in m- Learning System at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences // Proceedings of the ITI 2009 31stInternational Conference on Information Technology Interfaces / Luzar-Stiffler, Vesna ; Jarec, Iva ; Bekic, Zoran (ed.), Zagreb : SRCE, University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre, 2009. 27-28.

17.) Forenbacher, Ivan; Jovović, Ivan.
Interactive applications for real-time informing students via mobile terminal devices // University of Zagreb, Work Receives Rector Award for Academic Year 2005/2006, Zagreb, 2006

The membership in associations:

DAAAM International - Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing

TM Forum - TeleManagement Forum

UP2DATE - Center for research, education and application of new knowledge

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association

EAI - European Alliance for Innovation

ITU - International Telecommunication Union

ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute

AMAC-FSC - Croatian Association of Graduated Engineers and Engineers of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences