Date: 08. 05. 2019.


On June 28th 2019 Infoday for promotion of project Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices (DigForASP) will be held in Zagreb (Croatia), at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science, Campus Borongaj, Zagreb. (For more information about COST please visit:

The challenge of the COST Action 17124 - DigForASP - consists in creating a Network for exploring the potential of the application of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning in the Digital Forensics Feld, and creating synergies between these fields. Specially, the challenge is to address the Evidence Analysis phase, where evidence about possible crimes and crimes perpetrators collected from various electronic devices (by means of specialized software, and according to specific regulations) must be exploited so as to reconstruct possible events, event sequences and scenarios related to a crime. Evidence Analysis results are then made available to law enforcement, investigators, public prosecutors, lawyers and judges: it is, therefore, crucial that the adopted techniques guarantee reliability and variability, and that their result can be explained to the human actors. (For more information please visit:

If you recognize your interest in participating, please fill out the REGISTRATION form (link: no later than May 16, 2019.

The participants may receive financial support for attending Infoday according to COST rules. 

Infoday program is available on link:

If you need further clarification, feel free to contact me at email

Full professor Dragan Peraković, PhD, MC member CA17124
The Organizing Committee of Infoday CA 17124 - Zagreb
