Date: 28. 02. 2020.

Defense of the doctoral thesis entitled "Detection of network traffic anomalies based on device traffic characteristics and class affiliation" of candidate Ivan Cvitić will be held on March 11, 2020, at 11:00 at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, in hall D1, Vukelićeva 4, before the Defense Commission:

prof. dr. sc. Zvonko Kavran, President
prof. dr. sc. Dragan Perakovic, mentor
doc. dr. sc. Marko Periša, Member
doc. dr. sc. Ivan Grgurevic, Member
prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Stojanovic, (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transportation), external member
prof. dr. sc. Štaica Mrvelj, substitute
