Date: 10. 03. 2020.

Abstract of the paper Relevant Parameters for Modeling the Ecosystem Elements in Industry 4.0 

The development of information and communication technologies leads to more efficient logistics and production processes through the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept. For this purpose, it is important to establish all elements of the ecosystem with the aim of delivering accurate and real-time information to end users. Today’s scientific research literature does not provide enough insight into the field of modeling unique integrated Industry 4.0 ecosystem with the aim of delivering the required services. The aim of this research is to identify the relevant parameters required for modeling ecosystem elements within the Industry 4.0 concept. The identification of relevant parameters provides a starting point in the field of modeling ecosystem elements for the purpose of creating unique integrated system. In the process of designing a unique integrated system, it is important to create new business models for the purpose of more efficient business within the concept of Industry 4.0. The article also shows the impact of business transition from traditional to digital business by comparing current business models.


Abstract of the paper Definition of the IoT Device Classes Based on Network Traffic Flow Features

The IoT concept assumes a continuous increase in the number of devices which raises the problem of their classification for various purposes. So far, the device classes have been defined based on their semantic characteristics, purpose, functionality, or domain of use. This research intention is to define classes that are based on traffic flow features such as coefficient of variation of received and sent data ratio. Such defined classes can consolidate devices based on behavior predictability and can represent the foundation for the development of classification models for network management or network anomaly detection purposes.


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