Date: 05. 05. 2020.

The European Commission, in close cooperation with the EU Member States, has organized the pan-European hackathon #EUvsVirus to bring together civil society, innovators, partners, and investors across Europe to develop innovative solutions to the coronavirus challenges. The aim was to develop joint innovative solutions such as high technology, low technology, hardware, software solutions, etc, using biotechnology, digital technology, social sciences and other domains in the field of innovation. The event was aimed at the European community of innovators, startups, manufacturers, traders, public and private customers, end-users, and all other interested parties.

By the end of the hackathon, 2,150 ready-made solutions from around the world had been reported. The largest number of participants, as well as the solutions reported, were recorded in Germany, Italy, and Spain, and interestingly, innovators from Mexico, Russia, Australia, Malaysia, and even Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya became involved. From April 24 to 26, the contestants developed innovative solutions in six major categories, divided into 37 challenges.

More information about Croatian innovations among the #EUvsVirus hackathon winners is available at the link.

