Date: 02. 12. 2022.

Members of the Department of Information and Communications Traffic participated in the largest NATO exercise in the field of cyber defense, NATO "Cyber Coalition 2022". The exercise is conducted to improve the capabilities of NATO, allies and partners for defense and joint action in cyberspace.

More than a thousand cyber experts from 26 member states of the Alliance and seven partner states participated in the exercise, which ended on Friday, December 2, 2022.

The central location of the exercise management was in Tallinn, Estonia, and the exercise itself was conducted distributed from the locations of the participating countries. In Croatia, the exercise brought together over 140 participants.

The exercise scenarios simulated real-life threats such as attacks on power grids, programs and assets of NATO and Allies during military operations.

In addition to the detection of incidents, the implementation of defensive cyber operations and system recovery, which was dealt with by the technical training group, the Croatian implementation also included the operational and legal training group.

The operational group had the task of coordinating and ensuring the implementation of the military operation in conditions of degraded freedom of action in cyberspace, the legal group ensured decision-making in accordance with international law and practice and taking legal measures against the perpetrators.

With more than 60 participants, a record was reached for the participation of representatives of these sectors in the defense of cyberspace. From the private sector, the following companies participated in the exercise: SPAN d.o.d., Microsoft Hrvatska d.o.o., Insig2 d.o.o., Infigo IS d.o.o., Infobip d.o.o., EDURON IS d.o.o. From the academic community, the following participated: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Information Technologies Osijek, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Zagreb, Faculty of Law Osijek, Department of Informatics Osijek and Algebra College.

"The Cyber ​​Coalition exercise is an example of how NATO helps its members develop cyber defense capabilities, where through extremely realistic and challenging scenarios it is possible to test and develop capabilities for a wide range of participants." – Brigadier Daor Dabo
