Date: 15. 02. 2024.

Webinar Summary:
The challenges of maintaining the cybersecurity of information and communication and network systems are growing due to the emergence of new types of cyber threats. Cyber attacks can lead to the theft of personal, financial, and business data, computer fraud, eavesdropping on electronic communications, and cyber espionage, with consequences causing great harm to individuals and society. New demands for the advancement of technology in the field of protection against cyber threats have led to the development of quantum cryptography to enhance communication security.
Would you like to find out:
We invite you to a webinar on current cyber risks and future trends through an overview of particularly sensitive areas of application of ubiquitous communications in critical infrastructure environments (industry, transport, healthcare, etc.) and the presentation of the Croatian development project in the field of communication protection and cybersecurity in the upcoming quantum era, such as the project for building the Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure - CroQCI.
Webinar link:
